Ram Pothineni has pinned his hopes on his upcoming flick ‘RED’ is ultimately readied to strike the cinema around the world tomorrow. The movie is guided by Kishore Tirumala and moneyed by Krishna Chaitanya and Sravanthi Ravi Kishore under Sri Sravanthi Movies. RED is the remake of the Tamil film, Thadam routed by Magizh Thirumeni. Followers are eagerly waiting to see Ram Pothineni back on screen. The RED movie has earned Rs 5 crore, it has actually ended up being the second-best film of Ram’s job. Profession teams say the Red Collections are likely to rebound better as wallpapers integrated for the vacations. Below the article, you find the Red Movie Box Office Collection Day wise and Total Collections, India Wide Collections.
RED will be released in select locations in the US by Great India Films, the well-known distribution house. Plans are afoot to bring the movie to the audience in Australia, Singapore, and Dubai as well. The makers have claimed that they are looking at delivering the film to the audience on demand rather than think only from the perspective of revenues.
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Red Box Office Collection Day Wise
Red Day Wise Collection | India Wide Collection |
Day 1 Collection | 7.45 Cr |
Day 2 Collection | 5.10 Cr |
Day 3 Collection | 3.90 Cr |
Day 4 Collection | 3.00 Cr |
Day 5 Collection | 1.50 Cr |
Day 6 Collection | 1.00 Cr |
Day 7 Collection | 0.80 Cr |
Day 8 Collection | 0.55 Cr |
Total Collection | 25.91 Cr |
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