Manmadhudu 2, which stars Nagarjuna Akkineni in the lead roles, was released in 2019. Manmadhudu 2 also stars Rakul Preet Singh in other important roles. Rahul Ravindran is the director and Nagarjuna Akkineni & P.Kiran were the producer under the banner Annapurna Studios, Anandi Art Creations, & Viacom18 Motion Pictures. Music is composed by Chaithan Bharadwaj, while Rahul Ravindran & Kittu Vissapragada has provided the screenplay. In the article, you will find the details about Manmadhudu 2 3rd Day Box Office Collection Worldwide & India.
Manmadhudu 2 3rd-Day Box Office Collection
Manmadhudu 2 is one of the best Telugu movies by Nagarjuna Akkineni and it has managed to collect a huge amount in its previous days. Also, the movie has a chance to collect a nice amount in its 3rd-day because of the weekend. So, as compared to Mamadhudu 2 2nd-day BOC, the movie collects a high amount in its 3rd-day. Let’s see here the performance of Manmadhudu 2 box office collection of 3rd day.
Manmadhudu 2 Day 3 AP&TS, India Collection
In the 2nd day, the movie has collected around 6Cr but it might be more in 3rd-day because of the weekend. As per the public reviews, Nagarjuna’s fans would watch Manmadhudu 2 because it has a nice romantic story with some comedy scenes. Now, we are expecting that the movie collects around 6Cr in its 3rd-day box office collection.
Manmadhudu 2 Day 3 Box Office Collection, Worldwide
The movie has managed to make a good collection in its previous and 3rd-day have a nice chance there because of the weekend. So, the movie collects around 8Cr in its 3rd-day box office collection.
Manmadhudu 2 Day 3 Occupancy
The occupancy of Manmadhudu 2 is around 65% in its 3rd day. Here is the occupancy of the movie period-wise of 3rd-day.
- Morning: 45%
- Afternoon: 60%
- Evening: 75%
Manmadhudu 2 3rd Days Total Collection
Here you will find the total collection of the movie up to the date.
- First Day: 6.70Cr
- Second Day: 7Cr
- Third-Day: 8Cr
Total Collection: 21.70Cr Worldwide (expected)