Dev is a Tamil movie which is released on 14th February 2019. The movie has a budget of over 55 Cr while it has been simultaneously dubbed in the Telugu language. The official teaser created a little buzz among the fans and expected to be loved by his fans. This teaser displays adventure, drama, love, and action. The movie is directed by Rajath Ravishankar and will feature Karthi, Rakul Preet Singh, Prakash Raj, & Ramya Krishnan as lead roles in this movie. The fans are confident that this movie will hit the box office. In this post, let see the Dev Telugu Box Office Collection.
Dev Telugu Box Office Collection
Dev Daywise Box Office Collection | Collection (Cr) |
Dev 1st Day Collection | 0.70 |
Dev 2nd Day Collection | 0.80 |
Dev 3rd Day Collection | 0.90 |
Dev 4th Day Collection | 1.00 |
5th Day Collection | 0.70 |
6th Day Collection | 0.64 |
7th Day Collection | 0.52 |
8th Day Collection | 0.44 |
9th Day Collection | 0.32 |
10th Day Collection | 0.10 |
Dev Telugu Total Box Office Collection | 6.12 |
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